Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas pictures :) & Happy New Year 2014




Dear family and friends,


It's hard to believe that Christmas, 2013 was just 'yesterday' and we're looking at the year 2013 being 'yesterday' in the next few days.


We have SO many things to thank the Lord for as we look back over the days and months of 2013.  We spent part of this year in the United States, on the second half of our itineration/deputation, and it was wonderful seeing so many of you, sharing with believers what God is doing in our part of the world and what we are believing God for in this coming year of 2014.


Having the birth of our 9th grandchild William Ray Fader, to our youngest daughter Krista and her husband Caleb, occur in December certainly makes the details of Christ's birth more poignant.  However, Christ who came in humility as a babe, will come again as the majestic King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


Everything points to the fact that the time for His return is near yet there is still much to be done.  We see and hear the disarray our world is in and the tragedy that seems to abound in every place, however, behind the scenes God is working, accomplishing His purposes and people from all nations, tribes and tongues are coming to find Jesus as Lord and Savior. Matt 4:16 says, "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned."


Our prayer is that until He comes we would be faithful to point and lead those in darkness to the Babe/King, the Redeemer of all mankind!


Thank you for all you do to enable us to fulfill His calling.....we are very cognizant of the fact that without all of you our work would be much more difficult.


Blessings for a wonderful 2014.  MARANATHA!!


David and Beckie Smith


On Friday, December 27, 2013 10:41 PM, Krista Fader <> wrote:


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