Dear friends:
This morning, we were given some concerning information pertaining to the East African Coast. A pastor, Suleiman Abdul* told us that he was contacted by a person who tracks terrorist chatter. He warned the pastor to take extra care because he, along with other pastors who chose to "come out from among them and be separate", have been targeted. According to this person, thousands of shillings have been offered as awards to persons who will take it upon themselves to take the lives of these followers of Jesus Christ.
We need intercessors to cover these men and their families in prayer.....that they might have strength, wisdom, peace and power in the Spirit as they faithfully serve the Lord in the ministries He has called them.....and that they may see an exponential harvest in their fields of labor. May the enemy's desire to destroy and create havoc be stopped cold and that above all, the name of JESUS may receive glory and be lifted up!
We praise the Lord for the reports we've heard of mighty moves of God in outlying areas, and that always ratchets up the level of spiritual warfare. PLEASE lift these brethren to the Lord during these difficult days.
David and Beckie
* Name changed to protect the identity of this person
David & Beckie Smith
PO Box 34102
Mombasa, Kenya
East Africa
For tax exempt gifts send to:
David D. Smith account # 221097
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, Mo.
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