Tuesday, March 1, 2011

YWAM attacked in Athi River

YWAM Athi River Mourns Loss of Missionary

26/02/2011 12:30 pm

At around 1am on Friday, 25th February, armed robbers broke into a property owned by the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) team in Athi River, Kenya, 50 km outside of Nairobi.

In the attack, 36-year old Ebel Kremer, a Dutch national, was shot and killed. His wife Lora was assaulted during the attack, which took place in their home on the property. Their two children were present, but unharmed. A night watchman was also injured, and is now recovering.

The Kremers have been volunteers with Youth With A Mission in Kenya since February 2008. The YWAM centre in Athi River runs Christian training schools and a preschool in addition to their focus on caring for local orphaned children. “Homes for Hope and Healing” has been providing community-based care for orphans and Ebel was leading a project called the Maanzoni Children’s Village which aimed to merge with this effort to include a village of 8 homes which would accommodate foster families caring for up to 12 children each. Karin Kea Sued, the leader of the YWAM Athi River center until very recently, says it is too early to determine what will happen to the plans for expansion. “Ebel was overseeing the building of the second of the eight homes,” she said. “We were waiting for the homes to be completed before accepting more children.”

The YWAM property in Athi River accommodates 25 resident volunteers and approximately 50 other people, including students and visitors were also on the 70 acre property at the time of the attack.

The incident is being investigated as a robbery. The police are conducting extensive inquiries and have increased security in the area. YWAM has also engaged additional security.

Lora Kremer and her children are being cared for by friends in Nairobi and are preparing to return to Holland, where the funeral will be held, later this week.

Karin Kea Sued expressed gratitude on behalf of Lora Kremer and the YWAM community in Athi River for the prayers being said for them around the world. She says, "Our hearts are hurting as we are all in shock and disbelief that Ebel has been taken from us so suddenly, and in such a cruel and heartless manner. We have lost a fellow missionary and friend who beamed with energy and determination serving the One we all know to give perfect peace, comfort and eternal life. Our prayers and sympathy remain with Lora and their families in Holland."

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