Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas from Africa 2016



It's hard to believe that 2016 is coming to a close.  This has been a busy year for us as we've almost split the year living in both Kenya and USA.  We arrived back from deputation the 2nd of December, and have been in the process of picking up where we left off, except that things are never static, so we're having to discover what and when to "pick up".


Our KAG pastors and churches seem to be thriving….God is blessing and adding to the church those who come to salvation. There is a strong sense of the soon return of our Lord and an urgency to be found faithful and prepared when He does. This week we attended a Christmas Concert at one of our sister churches and it was special to listen to beautiful Christmas hymns, songs and carols.


We are empty nesters this Christmas, as we were last year.  Plans were in the works for our eldest son Kevin, Miriam and family to join us for Christmas, but due to some logistical issues, that has not been possible. Our 2nd son Kent, Michelle and family are in California, were they now are serving the Lord; our daughter Kimbra, Nick and family are in our house in Texas in the middle of their deputational cycle, and our youngest daughter Krista, Caleb and family are in Burundi where they minister.


I wonder if God the Father missed the presence (in heaven) of HIs son Jesus during those 30+ years that He walked among us as the Son of Man.  The birth of His Son, which we celebrate at Christmas, must have been heart wrenching, especially being cognizant of the purpose and culmination of those years.  But, His sacrifice became our joy, our peace, our salvation…..and that is why we are here….to share that wonderful news of the Son of God to those who sit in darkness. 


Isaiah 65:1 (NIRV) "The Lord says, "I made myself known to those who were not asking for me. I was found by those who were not trying to find me. I spoke to a nation that did not pray to me. "Here I am," I said, "Here I am." We are here to be a part of the Lord's revelation process to those who don't pray to Him, don't seek Him, and don't call on Him!  


We are grateful for your financial and material support which enables us to be a part of the harvest in this part of the world!


May your 2016 Christmas season be full of HIS presence and may your 2017 New Year be propitious of the favor and blessings of God!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from David and Beckie Smith



Thursday, December 1, 2016

BA air flight delayed for Kenyad


Dear Family and Friends,


This morning we were closing up the last of 6 bags in preparation for our flight when I opened my emails to find that the flight had been delayed by several hours, which would cause us to miss our connections for all ongoing flights. We could have been discouraged but then I was reminded of the African man who was late to work crossing the Likoni Ferry to the mainland and was he was so upset that he did not make the boat and  yelled at the captain 'YOU ARE MAKING ME LATE TO WORK.". After only a few minutes he was so happy he did not make the connection because all of the sudden he saw the boat turn over as the people all shifted to the other side and over 100 people drowned in the ocean. 


Sometimes we don't understand why things happen the way they do but we have to understand that our God is in complete control. One thing I know is that I received several calls today from pastors and friends saying  they needed some information for some water well projects and signed monthly faith commitment forms for $100. I'm aware that this might not have happened if we were not delayed by one DAY. 


Again we want to THANK YOU for helping us with your prayers and your support as we traveled the past 4 months on this short furlough. WE serve a great big wonderful Lord who came to die for our sins and the sins of many that have not heard that Jesus is the answer to their problems.


May God continue to meet your every need.


Love from your friends,


David & Beckie Smith



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