Walter Bascum Smith
August 15, 1914 - February 27th, 2013
Viewing will be on Friday, March 1st, 2013 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at:
Curry-Welborn Funeral Home
2256 N. Edwards Ave.
Mt. Pleasant, TX. 75455
PHONE: (903)577-7500
FAX: (903) 577-1235
Graveside service will be on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 at 11:00 am at:
Harmony Cemetery west of Winsboro, TX
(Marked by a blue dot on maps below)
Large map
Detail Map
Dear Friends and Family,
My father Walter B. Smith (98) went to be with the Lord at 7:00pm last night in Sedan, Kansas where my sister, Sharon Alexander, lives. Our dad has had a good long life and we are thankful that he did not suffer much in the hours preceding his death. We are grateful for the prayers of God’s people as His grace has lifted and sustained us.
Dad’s greatest desire was spreading the Good News of Jesus. In lieu of flowers, the family would greatly appreciate if memorials would be sent to:
Sedan A/G
621 E. Walnut
Sedan, KS 67361
Please designate any contributions towards the “New Church Plant” in honor of Dad’s dream to further the Kingdom of God.
David D. Smith