* Smith's Sherehe Fall 2009
Dear friends and supporters,
Greetings from pleasant Mombasa! Much of the year the weather in Mombasa is
hot with high humidity, but during this period, which is our winter, it
becomes very pleasant and we are enjoying the change.
We want to express our deepest thanks for your faithful support over the
years of our ministry in Kenya. This year we reached our 35th year of
service in Kenya, and we praise the Lord for the privilege of serving most
of those years in the coastal city of Mombasa.
When we arrived in Mombasa, there was one established church and one other
church plant. Today however, thanks to the blessings of the Lord, we have
near 50 churches and church plants. Many of our pastors work in difficult
situations, out in rural areas where there is little 'tangible' rewards for
their efforts. To those difficult situations we can add the opposition of
the largely Muslim population of the coastal region. However, God IS
faithful and His Word 'will not return void". Isaiah 55:11
These past few months have been busy with many varied involvements. We have
had our District Council (one of 32 districts all over Kenya), our District
Women Ministries Convention, and our national General Council in Nairobi.
David put up a tabernacle on the plot of land given by the Muslim husband of
a church member whom Beckie assisted in getting treatment for her advanced
breast cancer. David has also been preparing an office for Beckie's "Door
of Hope Counseling Service". We had been renting the house next door as an
office, but the owners returned to live in their house, and thus the need
for another facility. Thankfully, the office is nearly ready....just
waiting for the final finishing touches. During this time Beckie has been
'free-lancing" so she is grateful to have her own office again and have
easier access to her materials as she needs them.
Beckie is also gearing up for the annual Breast Cancer month in which
several activities are held.....the main one being a free screening camp.
This year their support group has assisted 5 ladies to receive treatment for
breast cancer and it is a wonderful opportunity to be the extended hands of
At the present time we are in the midst of the Islamic month of fasting
called Ramadhan. This has an observable effect in the coastal area, and
much of it not pleasant. Many shops are opened for fewer hours, the staff
are often lethargic, and patience runs very thin at times. At a mosque
behind our house, every morning from 5 to 5:30 am and every evening from
8:30 to 10:30 pm the Islamic prayers are chanted over external pa systems,
which sounds as though the speakers are actually IN our house. Pray with us
that instead of being frustrated and angry we will experience a greater
anguish over the futility of their chants and their lostness without Jesus.
Our prayer is that during this month, when many Muslims are seeking to draw
closer to God, the Lord will be gracious and open their eyes to see and
their hearts to be receptive of the truth.
An vital prayers request is that we can find & fund property for our
extension Bible School. We have $9000 of the $29,000 needed. Please send
offerings to our account below. Any amount will be helpful.
We pray Gods richest blessings upon you, and may each of you receive a new
vision and understanding of God's heart and His desire that "none should
perish". Again, we thank you for your prayerful and financial
support....without it our ability to fulfill God's call would be lessened!
Laborers together,
*Sherehe - Triumphant Rejoicing
David & Beckie Smith
For tax exempt gifts send to:
David D. Smith account # 221097
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, Mo.
Email: David.Smith@agmd.org
Without friends like you, it would not be possible to minister effectively
in Kenya. To partner with us in this incredible endeavor, click here for
access to a secure internet link for IRS-deductible contributions:¹
PS: Please send us your updated email addresses.
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