David & Beckie Smith
PO Box 86703
Mombasa, Kenya
East Africa
July 26, 2008
Dear friends and family,
"Where can we go to pray?" The answer came, "Go pray in the prayer room." Then, when you do what they say and go in, they come running in to say that you cannot go in with your shoes on. Aren't you thankful that as a Christian we can pray anywhere at anytime and God will hear us. Where are we? We are in Mombasa, Kenya at a Muslim Hospital where they have the best equipment to help someone whose kidneys are failing and blood pressure has dropped . One of our pastors, by the name of Francis Ndoro (a former muslim) is dying unless the Lord intervenes and we need Christians to intercede with us for his life. Pastor Francis is doing a great work in Msambweni and God has been using him in this hard Muslim area. He is in ICU and the bill has gone up over 300,000/- equivalent to $5000 and rising daily. Our pastors in the coast have rallied together in prayer, fasting, & financial help but it is not enough. Some of our pastor may only receive a $25 a week to meet all their needs. So you can see this is a great need and they are thinking of taking out insurance for all our pastors even though that is going to be hard for them. At this time we are making an appeal for Pastor Francis and ask you to pray for Godʼs guidance. Francis is an overseer of several other pastors in his section.
As I speak on behalf of Francis this past week the enemy hit another of our pastor overseer Pastor Julius Kaman. He was very ill with diabetes and high blood pressure. The pastors & friends all rallied behind him with prayer and support and helped to get him out of the hospital and he is doing very well now. We thank God for his mighty power.
The third one this week has been the worker (Katana) at Beckieʼs door of hope ministry. The doctors say he has typhoid. He is doing much better today and should be back to work in a few days.
Many have been asking about my mother who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May and I will be traveling to USA this coming Monday July 28th to be with her for a period of time. At present she is doing some better. The pain has been in two areas and she has been taking some pain medication. We know that the scripture says that He sent his word and healed them. Nothing is impossible with God.
This has been a season of seeming attacks, so PLEASE continue to pray for all these needs and for Beckie as she remains in Africa as I travel on Monday.
God is faithful and we put our trust in Jesus.
David & Beckie Smith
Please send all offerings to:
David D. Smith account #221097

1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, Mo.